lundi 12 avril 2010

Power Point Presentation

After the data collection step, it is now the time for the powerpoint presentation.I have started working on my part of the presentation for a week now, but I still need to meet with my teammates in order to have an agreement on the introduction, the conclusion, and the linking slides. Now I'm nearly done with my part of the presentation. I thought at the beginning I would not have much to say. But when I made some order in the information I have and the different resources I dispose of, I found out that I have a lot of things that I would like to include in my presentation. I'm afraid 4 mimutes won't be enough, but I will try to respect the time constraint.
I enjoyed creating themes in the new Power Point, switching colors, and trying to make my presentation more attractive. I liked working on the presentation because I had a lot of fun while doing it.
Here, I have to say that, honestly, the workshop was not very helpful since I already knew most of what the staff from CITI said.
I am a bit scared because I don't want to forget what I want to say. But I am confident everything will be okay.

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